sala carlo riva

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Riva Exhibition

Riva, the rise of a legend

It all began in Laglio on Lake Como when a talented young boatwright decided to move to Sarnico coming to the aid of the local fishermen. His name was Pietro Riva, great-grandfather of the man who would make the brand a legend, Carlo Riva.


[...] In 1946, with the war over, all anybody wanted was to get back to normal. Carlo wanted to promote the image of the yard and printed catalogues and brochures. Well aware that he could not count on his father for financial support, he decided to sacrifice his savings to buy a place of his own in order to invest in advertising. For quite some time he would be sleeping in the attic of Lombardi, importers of Johnson engines
With great personal sacrifice, Carlo managed to present his boats at the Taranto boat fair where he received the compliments of Saragat, future President of the Italian Republic.

The boatyard was increasingly geared towards competition boats, which translated into much fame but little fortune.
The most renowned drivers managed to obtain boats at knockdown prices, practically at production cost, from Serafino who was secure in the knowledge that they would provide international publicity for the yard. 
On the other hand, his son Carlo was more focused on the pleasure boating market and eager to try out large-scale production and rationalise expenses and income. 
Arguments between father and son became more and more frequent and Carlo came across as a hothead and potential problem for the racing drivers. 

One famous story tells of how Carlo kneeled in front of his father and invited him to break a bottle over his head seeing as how he had no intention of changing his mind. As far as he was concerned, the future of the yard lay with large-scale production of runabouts. [...]

Come and hear the whole story...


Il Progetto

Il progetto si propone di raccontare la storia della nautica di un territorio ricco di storia e cultura, quello della Lombardia e del Lago di Como, con la sua straordinaria raccolta di oltre 400 imbarcazioni.

