Area Esterna

external area

The Giants of the Lake

Three real protagonists of Lake Como, now accessible from above thanks to a new elevated walkway.

The giants of the past, main actors of civil transport and trade on the Lake Como's waters.

The Balilla, originally Umberto I, the first example with a rear single-propeller.

The Giulia, one of the most impressive Larian Gondolas, built in 1929, so strong to be required for cows transhumance.

The Freccia dei Gerani, the latest hydrofoil of the RHS70 series, a true jewel of technology.

History of the paddle streamers and the navigation services on Lake Como

Emperor Francis I promotes private entrepreneurship initiatives aimed at organizing navigation services on the waters of the Kingdom of Lombardy-Veneto.
In 1825 La Società Privilegiata per l’Impresa dei Battelli a Vapore nel Regno Lombardo Veneto (1) was established in Milan, led by the president Duke Carlo Visconti di Modrone.

Enrico Fornanini, the Leonardo of the 900'

Few people know that Enrico Forlanini was the inventor of the hydrofoil, just as he was one of the first forerunners of airship flights. The history Enrico Forlanini and hydrofoils, from the first experiments to the present day.


Il Progetto

Il progetto si propone di raccontare la storia della nautica di un territorio ricco di storia e cultura, quello della Lombardia e del Lago di Como, con la sua straordinaria raccolta di oltre 400 imbarcazioni.

