Material in transit

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Material in transit

works by Andrea Maria Mantica

A very great vision is needed, and the man who has it must follow it as the eagle seeks the deepest blue of the sky.
Crazy Horse, Sioux Chief

Gianalberto Zanoletti, founder of the International Museum of Vintage Boats, would have loved this phrase. Not only because it comes from the wisdom of a people and tradition of the past (GianAlberto was also a passionate supporter of Survival International, a worldwide movement for the rights of indigenous peoples) but above all because he himself was a true visionary. 
Back in the 1980s, before anyone else understood the importance of environmental protection and recycling materials, GianAlberto had made recycling a central part of his lifestyle.
We wanted to interpret and pay tribute to GianAlberto’s love of boats and recycling by returning to the water that which belongs to the water and was born of the water. 
Vision is the art of seeing invisible things: here a keel takes on a new life as a whale, a speedometer for its eye and nails the teeth of unknown fish. 
Thus broken pieces of boats and scrap metal are recomposed according to a personal vision which transforms all, as we ourselves are transformed, day by day. We recycle ourselves in relationships, in love, in work. We emerge different every time, ready for new visions, ready to give new importance to things and people. 
These works were created by Andrea Maria Mantica with the exclusive use of material recovered from abandoned boats and engines. A tribute to our founder GianAlberto Zanoletti.
The pieces on display here are for sale. For further information enquire at reception.

Il Progetto

Il progetto si propone di raccontare la storia della nautica di un territorio ricco di storia e cultura, quello della Lombardia e del Lago di Como, con la sua straordinaria raccolta di oltre 400 imbarcazioni.

