From the first Ole Evinrude engines to the legendary 1980s.
A new room, a real Outboard Museum with over eighty exhibits! From the very first engines developed by Ole Evinrude at the turn of the century, to the later Archimedes, Caille, British Seagull, Elto, Johnson, Koenig, Mercury, McCulloch, Chrysler, and many others, up to the legendary 1980s.
There is also a section dedicated to historical Italian brands such as Vanoni, De Giorgi, Elios, Piaggio, Carniti, Vigentini, Guazzoni, Franchi, Vassena, Squalitalia, Corbella Longoni, Dell'Oro, Ossola, Casorati and Vottero.
A real journey through time to discover the evolution of these jewels of world motorsports.
It is beautiful a boat that runs at a high speed, and the bow splits the sea like a wooden axe, and it seems to sparkle, and behind it there are only trails of white foam. It is something that can make the heart beat.
- Fabrizio Caramagna